As Shadows Fall

On April 12, 2011, in Historical Literature - Fiction, by Kenn_Schaefer

As Shadows Fall: People of the Frozen Earth Book 2

As Shadows FallIn the ancient days before the Ancestors kept the stories, the People of the Frozen Earth lived in the vast wasteland that is now called Siberia.  Seeking a better life, they moved south across the land bridge into a New World, traveling through what are today Alaska and Canada. Just under two thousand years ago, this semi-nomadic People settled in the basin between the foothills at the eastern edge of the Rocky Mountains and the flat tableland of the Western Great Plains in the area now known as Wyoming, Montana, and the Dakotas.  Strong and proud, they lived, loved, hated, laughed, cried, and died in the fullness of Mother Life’s time.

In Book 2: As Shadows Fall, Mach and Thuro and their mates Horda and Wilda are unexpectedly thrust into leadership roles when they are named leaders of the new band of The People of the Frozen Earth. Mach, Thuro, and Horda rise to the challenge, but Wilda becomes one of their biggest problems. The band leaders have to deal with illness and death among their people, family disputes, an unwanted pregnancy and a miscarriage, droughts, fires, thunderstorms, and other natural disasters. The leaders and the People overcome all the obstacles with wisdom, courage, imagination, strong mores, and the love and support of one another.

Read the first chapter of As Shadows Fall.

Meet author Grace Anne Schaefer.


“‘As Shadows Fall’ portrays how difficult it must have been for the indigenous people of North America to form new bands and strike off on their own. They had to find shelter, food and other means to survive. Having none of our modern means of living, they had to be creative and intelligent, living in balance with their austere surroundings. They also had to be cautious and aware of imminent danger. Throughout all of these  circumstances, they also had to live, dealing with their emotions, relationships and the universal issues that humans have been faced with since the dawn of time. Schaefer wraps all of these aspects of life into a cohesive and thoroughly enjoyable package of historical fiction. She transports us back in time and introduces us to a cast of characters we can love and hate, who live and die, gain and lose and do their best to survive in the world.”
Mary Simmons for Reader Views



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