In the Global eBook Awards, every nominee walks away with more than $4,000 worth of promotions.

Why is that? First off, you could just go straight to some resources and pay thousands to get a bunch of promotions done for your ebook. It’s not hard. Just search Google for “paid reviews” and you’ll find people who write reviews on Amazon for $100 each, people who have successfully manipulated Amazon to their benefit by investing time and money to prove it could be done and a site where you can pay $2,499 to do everything we do (give or take a few things). There are people who will take thousands of your dollars to do what we do for just $59 (plus an opportunity to be judged a Finalist or Winner in your category).

So what do we do and what is the approximate street value of these things? Dan and I traded emails back and forth to come up with (based on research and experience) the following numbers for what we do…

  1. Review copies provided to book bloggers and subject-matter-expert bloggers who focus on your book’s category. For example, books on leadership will be made available to bloggers on leadership.
    MORE THAN $500 VALUE (For mentions and reviews on blogs.)
  2. Your book’s own “micro” website (which is what your own ebook page is on our site) and it will last as long as the Global eBook Awards WITH NO ANNUAL FEE.
    AT LEAST $1,000 VALUE (How much would you pay for a page on our site indexed on Google that stays up for decade after decade? No one sells such a thing!)
  3. Directory listing on the Global Ebook Awards website by category.
    ESTIMATED VALUE MORE THAN $200 (For directory listings on websites of which are numerous.)
  4. Boost your Google Search rankings for your regular site. Your book’s listing on the Global Ebook Awards site will lead to your site and this will improve your Google search rankings
    AT LEAST $500 VALUE (Typical fee for an SEO expert to improve your rankings with legal deep links)
  5. New top five Google search results when people search for “your title” and “ebook” on Google. Do a search on Google for “one noble journey ebook” and you’ll see what we mean! Most ebooks in our competition score in the top five of Google search results (sometimes above Amazon’s ranking).
    MORE THAN $500 VALUE (Fee for SEO expert to place you in the top 5 of Google Search.)
  6. We will write and publish news releases for your book if it advances from Nominated to Finalist or Winner.
    AT LEAST $200 VALUE (Fee to pay news release writing service per release.)
  7. Weekly book-promotion coaching by Dan Poynter on how to promote your ebook. Did you know that Dan is busy every week working on improving how we can promote your ebook? His personal coaching each week in several assignments is worth as much!
    ESTIMATED VALUE MORE THAN $1,000 (Cost to pay Dan to promote your ebook personally.)
  8. Your book submitted to Columbine Communications & Publications for foreign rights representation. If your book is accepted by Robert Erdmann, there will be a charge to take it to Frankfurt and other book fairs.
    AT LEAST $100 (Cost to submit ebook to publications for foreign rights representation.)
  9. A listing in Publishing Poynters Marketplace requesting reviews at and in exchange for a copy of your ebook. This is a very successful strategy!
    ESTIMATED VALUE AT LEAST $100 (Go to Craigslist and see if you can find several people to do reviews for you like they will on Publishing Poynters and add up the cost!)
  10. Video assets for your own ebook trailer based on your status as a Nominee, Finalist or Winner.
    MORE THAN $1,000 (Pay a video production company money to create a 3D logo of our award and build it into an ebook trailer for yourself.)


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