This is an archive of the 2011 Global Ebook Awards
Click here for the current Global Ebook Awards.


Judges… We can’t do this without you, quite literally, and so we want to reward you in any way we can. (And, if you prefer, you can be totally ANONYMOUS.)

One way we can show our appreciation of you is to promote you and your blog or your service or your book club or whatever it is that makes you more than just a reader of ebooks and someone who wants an active stake in promoting great writing. We do this through featuring you as a judge on a separate blog post with links to your blog or website of your choice.

We also have Global eBook Awards stickers that you can use for your blog should you choose to announce that you are a judge with us. We STRONGLY encourage you to make such an announcement because it will bring people to our site and expose them to many categories and many new voices in the literary world. While we welcome publishers of all size, we want this contest to be a place where self-publishers can stand alongside other authors on an equal footing with an equal shot at exposure and recognition.

If you would like to do this, please provide the items below the best you can. This will be edited by us and then sent to you for editing/approval.

We’re not going to be giving out your email address unless you tell you want us to, but keep in mind you might be getting frustrated emails from authors if you do.

[gravityform id=4 name=JudgeSign-Up ajax=true]

We will put together the announcement together for you based on the info you provide. This is our old format, but the new format will have the same spirit as we had for our first judge Danny O. Snow, Our First eBook Awards Judge

Again, if you have any questions, let us know!

Thanks and we WELCOME YOU!


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