This is 48 color pages that saves you from hanging in the trial and error dungeon of chuck box design and construction. It is a liberally illustrated booklet that addresses the essential considerations when designing and building your own camp kitchen. It starts by helping you develop a complete camping checklist and meal planning system, the footing and foundation or your camp kitchen organization. The information then systematically moves you to a well defined camping equipment inventory. This in turn, helps dictate a logical chuck box design to manage and house your camp kitchen. Along the way, you’ll be shown various assembly techniques specifically related to a highly innovative construction method we call “skin and bones” construction. It is a technique that produces light weight, yet, strong and durable products, very economically. There are numerous illustrations and examples to aid in explanation and inspire your creative juices. If a picture truly is worth a thousand words, then this is the bible of camp kitchen design and construction. In a nut shell, you get the benefit of many years of camp kitchen and chuck box design construction and outfitting experience from the guy who has been building and selling them commercially since 1988! This book is your key to getting your camp kitchen right the first time. This is a perfect gift for the camping woodworker! HowToDesignBuildOutfitYourOwnCampKitchen Get More Information and/or Buy This eBook


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